Fast Facts
Groundwork DFW enables organizations to extend their reach of essential resources in underserved communities.
Business Type
501c3 Non Profit
Majority Earned Income (99.4%)
EIN: 87-4013922
Staff Size
3 FTEs
20 1099s
ID Numbers
EIN: 87-4013922
DUNS: 065771790
CAGE: 07B73
Texas Taxpayer ID: 32080632253
To increase access to opportunity through data-driven community engagement
Staff Demographics
58% Bilingual
88% Female
94% People of Color
100% Hired from Groundwork neighborhoods
100% Paid $20+/hour
How is Groundwork DFW funded?
Groundwork DFW is a fee-for-service nonprofit, meaning that clients hire Groundwork DFW but then Groundwork can take grants to offset the costs to their clients.
Who does Groundwork DFW typically work with?
Groundwork’s clients are organizations trying to increase their reach or understanding in historically underserved communities. They typically fall into one of the following buckets:
Governments & Municipalities
ex: City of Dallas
School Districts
ex: Dallas ISD
Other Non-Profits
ex: The Commit Partnership, Child Poverty Action Lab (CPAL)
Research Universities
ex: Southern Methodist University, University of Massachusetts
Why does Groundwork DFW appear under a different name in some locations?
When Groundwork DFW (EIN: 87-4013922) was founded in 2021, our original name was Texas Kids First Foundation. Permanent name-change paperwork was filed with the IRS as of April 2023.
Do you do any political work or campaigns?
No. We are a 501c3 and are legally not allowed to do any political activity. We do not work on any political or electoral campaigns. Instead, we apply the tactics from that industry to help people.